AI Tools

This page presents an exploration of AI based tools that have been brought to our attention.

Please note unless explicitly noted, as have no relationship with these companies, we do not post affiliate links, and we will earn no money from this service.

We have tested each app listed here, and believe them to be safe.

Please report any broken links or inactive companies so we can maintain this resource.


facilitates the management of individual and collaborative research practices.

Feedly / Leo

Feedly is well known RSS reader, and Leo is an integrated AI engine that automatically gathers, analyzes, and prioritizes information from, as the vendor describes it, “millions of sources in real-time.”


Elicit is a Large Language Model based research assistant (think GPT-3) that can automate parts of researcher workflow, for example, a Literature Review. In response to a user query, Elicits relevant papers and summaries of key information about those papers in tabular form.


Ongoing research opportunities in the detection of AI authored content.


Good collection of AI based content creation tools.


Liven up presentations with AI created memes.

Not that I’m endorsing this, but remove waterarks from digital assets (of course you could just pay for the digital asset, but hey)

Automated summary creation tool; why read all the verbiage when you can just read the content?


Competitor to DALLE-2.


Automated video creation from user prompts.

Magic Studio

AI driven image creation.


Sorta like Github’s Co-pilot, an AI driven coding assistant


Automated text to speech generator


An resume writer with a difference, AI based


Create logos for your brand or business or just for fun; I asked it to create a logo for AINews


An AI driven tool to create images from words

GPT for Slides

Generate presentation slides using AI. Requires an Open AI API key (free) as well as access to Google Sheets.